About Me
Hello there! My name is Alexandros (Alex) and I’m currently a Ph.D. student at Northwestern’s Computer Science and Learning Science program. I work with professor Mike Horn at the TIDAL Lab and my research is focused on HCI and interaction design education, as well as the design of (sometimes playful) learning environments.
I have an undergraduate degree in Mathematics and Philosophy from Boston University and I hold a master’s degree in Integrated Design and Media from New York University. Before coming to Northwestern to pursue my Ph.D., I held an adjunct faculty position at NYU and I was part of the New York City startup scene where my co-founders and I worked to bring the latest immersive technologies to tabletop gaming.
In this portfolio you’ll find more information about my work as a researcher at Northwestern and about my prior work as a creative technologist. If you see something that you’d like to talk about, please don’t hesitate to reach out and connect with me. I’d love to hear from you!

My Work
Get in Touch
I'm always looking to collaborate on interesting projects and I'm very open to research collaborations. I'm a versatile worker and I enjoy being part of multidisciplinary and multicultural teams so if you feel like we have something in common that we should discuss, please don't hesitate to get in touch!